Wandering Trader now also trades Cherry Saplings ( MCPE-171521).Falling blocks will now break when falling onto a boat.Respawn Anchor Blocks now correctly play their ambient sounds ( MCPE-136484).Conduits now play their deactivation sound when deactivated ( MCPE-128117).Big Dripleaf Blocks now play the correct sound when their tilt is reset ( MCPE-123488).Loyalty Tridents returning to players now play their sound at the player’s position ( MCPE-43831).Nether Portals now emit the Glass breaking sound when their Obsidian frame is broken ( MCPE-94722).Empty Maps now emit the appropriate sound when players draw them.Trident Channeling sound is now played when entities are hit ( MCPE-43402).

Useful when you want to see what recipes you can unlock. Command line auto-complete has been added for recipe unlocking.Please continue to send us your feedback and bug reports, and have fun! Experimental Features Recipe Unlocking It’s time for a new Minecraft Preview and Beta! Here’s a list of the fixes and features in this update.